Buried treasure fantasy’s created in our time searching in constant motion for the next glimmering spark of hope. A light shining buried within me in constant motion I understand it’s guidance In a dance so elegantly it spins around till I can’t seem to frown buried treasures you found.

“Artistic Transmissions” – Cristina Jimenez Photography

Cristina Jimenez is a Intuitive, writer, & painter.



    Beautifying this landmark bench in the city of Rialto, California. Omni bus transportation collaboration with other selected artists as a part of enhancing the public services omnitrans provides and preserving these first benches that were previously created. My goal was to bring a part of the socal desert valley to the city, as a reminder of how close to the valley, city, and inland Rialto is. A reminder that we are surrounded by nature in all ways.