Southern California 2023. Photos by me CJ Art

The desert in it’s stillness of illusive views. Subtle hints at growth and change, stubborn yet unusual in her ways. Hidden dew rainbows , black Crows hovering over rabbit habitats. Every trail replicas of shimmered gold making you keep track looking back.

Cristina Jimenez Art

Leaps of faith, over written plays. Risking soul given talent for survival. Broken colored sequence of patterns to overturn fate. Admiring the talent missing the romance that is only a painted moment to glance. Blending the view to perform a newly set stage. Currency calls for the program to redo its hue.

Cristina J

Learning lineages to comprehend self. Distant knowledge settles in daily life, the capacity to transform self for hidden truth not proving worth to anyone else. Warped from perspective alternative motives who need constant admiration. Providing yourself with wisdom instead of applauses. Self mental peace in these new days where seeking constant updates to escape.

Cristina J

  Earthly Warriors in a constant battle field

 Protective plans, planning, and played out scenes

as above so below, behind the scenes passing the throne.

Proactive prayers turning into frequency slayers.

The never ending novel of the creators scales.

Cristina J